Hello Blog world! I thought I should start my blog with the things I love~ After all I am surrounded by clients in love SO feel like I should share who, what, and why I LOVE the things I LOVE and what keeps me going in life. Sooooo, here we go....
Numero Uno: Jesus Christ
I have yet to get a photo of him personally, but I feel like He is in every photo I have ever taken. I LOVE taking photos therefore I feel He is there. He IS the definition of LOVE and without Him there is no Love~

This is my husband Brian and me. It is our very 1st photo of when we started dating and I absolutely LOVE this picture! It's nothing fancy, but it shows how happy we are :o)

These are my parents. Of course I love them, not because they raised me to the best of their ability and unconditionally but because they did it in a self-less manner as well. They always put us kids before their needs and wants, no matter what the cost. We had the very best of everything they could provide and they only wanted for us to be happy in return! I hope that I can live to up to those standards for my children.

These were my boys Lenny n Miles. I absolutely LOVE the way they would cuddle!!! Need I say more? :o) Both of them passed on and I miss them terribly! Their kitty cuddles were pretty sweet~

This is the beach Brian & I got married on. Isn't it just gorgeous??? It's located in Honolulu, Hawaii. The really cool part is that most of the locals that we talked to never even heard of this beach, it is pretty secluded and just perfect! Next is one of our wedding photos....

Here is my super cute, handsome and adorable husband Brian at Milan Dragway. He loves to drag race and I love to go and take photos of all the super cool cars and sweet people. We have an absolute blast every time we go.... here are some more shots at the track...
This is our 1966 Plymouth Barracuda with a small block Chevy. It kicks some serious butt!!! Check out the next few photos of him beating a motorcycle - which is very hard to do!

Next is our driver: 1968 Plymouth Barracuda. You can say we have a "pair-of-cudas" - he he! Brian found this car in total pieces and completely rebuilt it. The coolest part of it (besides the hemi engine inside it) is that he just finished it right before we met!!! Woot-woot, no work and all play! My FAVORITE thing to do is to go on day trips in the hemi car! I am currently learning to drive a stick shift sooooo hopefully one day soon I will be able to drive it out and about :o)

My baby boy, Joe! He is my absolute LOVE!!! I never thought that I could love someone sooooo much & I honestly never knew that kind of love ever existed until I saw him for the first time. He just takes my breath away~ These are his 1st year photos narrowed waaay down - I think I have over 3000 images of him so far...

I think this one is by far my favorite image of him so far. The next one is up there too. I just love the light and the feeling of his 1st Christmas is so prevalent!

Ok, so anyone that knows me knows that I am an avid gardener. I love planting and nurturing and seeing new blooms - it makes all that hard work in the beginning so worth it. Then to top it off I love taking photos of my "babies"! Here are some of my favorites:

Another love I have is biking! Not the kind with a motor, but an actual bicycle. I can ride for hours and hours. I put over 700 miles on my bike just last year, and this year I am hoping to hit 1,000 miles! We sometimes take day trips to different bike trails to change up the scenery a bit. My favorite place is just outside of Akron, OH (where I went to school), and in the fall makes it even better!

I love fall! Everything about it: the smells, the air, the light. I happen to find this leaf on one of our day trips.

Did I mention that I Love day trips? I LOVE day trips!!! Especially in the hemi car~ I love driving along and then pulling off the side of the road to take photos like these:

I love New York City! The architecture is absolutely amazing!!! I am truly a fan of the "center of the universe" (that's what the people from the city refer to it as)!

On our 1 year wedding anniversary we went to Hocking Hills in Ohio -it sits at the foothills of the Appalician Trail. In the springtime there is breathtaking imagery of all the waterfalls. The best part of our trip is that we brought home a little souvenir (lil Joe)!

So Blog world, that's about it for now. I will keep adding from time to time. Hope you check in every now and then!
Love~ Yvonne